Monday, September 29, 2008

Walking, Babbling, and More...

All three kids are walking everywhere!! My favorite thing to do is to crawl behind each of them saying, "Mommy's gonna get you!" in a deep voice. Then they just walk faster and faster! Avery laughs her deep belly laugh, Adam squeals, and Aaron gets so excited that he sometimes just falls down! John's favorite thing is to lay in the floor with the babies. Each will come over to him--they wrestle--and then they will walk off to do something else. They are SO much fun right now!

We have areas of our house "gated off" for safety. The babies can't get into our bedroom (apparantley Alex's food bowl is too much to resist), the kitchen, or down the hallway to their rooms. This way they have the whole living, dining, and foyer (and 1/2 of the hall) where they can play and be safe. At nap/bedtimes we will take down the gate in the hallway and yell to the babies "Gate's Open!" and here they come!! They just stop playing with their toys and take off walking to their bedroom. It is hilarious!! You can also say "Time to Eat!" and they all go stand by their highchairs. I need to get it on video to upload.

We have been working on sign language with the babies. Adam can definitely sign "All Done" when he is finished eating. Avery has signed "More" before, but does not do it often. I know more and more signs will come to them as we continue to work on it. They can all sign "Bonked his head.." for 5 Little Monkeys! (Is that really sign language??)

Here are some snapshots for you to enjoy! As you can tell, Aaron likes to climb--that is him in the window and on the dishwasher. Adam in his diaper and socks--too cute! And happy after breakfast. Avery with BAD hair (you have to look carefully, it looks like she stuck her finger in a light socket), and playing with their marraccas. (I don't think that is how you spell it!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eye Exam and Homecoming Pictures

First of all....the kids all had eye exams last week. They looked so funny with their eyes all dialated! You may not be aware, but preemies are prone to eye problems. Their vision was checked in the hospital and at 3 months old, and this was a follow-up after their 1st birthday.

Aaron's vision was great. He should not need to go back unless we notice a problem. Avery was at the high end of the normal range for farsightedness. She has to be checked again in one year. Adam had two slight issues. First, he is unable to move his eyes right/left or up/down without turning his head. It is called Dwayne's Syndrome, and has to do with the eye muscles working against each other instead of together. He may just cope with this, but if we see any crossing of the eyes or laziness, he may require eye muscle surgery. Secondly, the lense in his right eye is not quite "M&M" is a little flat. The eye dr. said it may distort his vision as he gets older. There are things we may need to try later: wearing an eye patch on the other eye (forces the lense to strengthen), glasses, or worst case...lense replacement. We think he sees fine now, but he will need to return in 6 months to see if anything has changed. These are all minor things and we are continually so thankful for their overall health!

Now the fun stuff--------

Last Thursday night we took the kids to their first football game. Avery got to have her picture made with the JV cheerleaders.

Monday night was the Homecoming Parade. The kids had so much fun! They didn't care much about the parade, but loved seeing all the people and getting so much attention. And here is a picture of Taylor!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Steeler's Jerseys and More!

Of course all three babies have their own Steeler's jersey. I didn't get a picture of all 3 with Dad on Sunday, but I did get some cute pictures of the kids! (Adam has the red t-shirt underneath).

Sunday night they started feeling bad with allergies and yucky noses. All three crawled up into my lap! I haven't held them all at once in so long!!

Here are two new videos of the boys walking! Adam is in the Steeler's jersey. All 3 are really prefering walking over crawling. They are growing so fast!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Pictures!!

Hi! So sorry for the long delay between posts. Do you believe that we've been busy? The kids are doing great! All are walking more and more, and eating like there is no tomorrow. It still takes us by surprise when we see one of them just take off across the living room floor. We look at each other and say, "Did you see that?"

Taylor has been with us for 2 months now! She is doing a great job. I told her that many people want to see a picture of her with the babies, so we will get that posted this week. She stays with us during the week and then goes home (or to see friends) on the weekends. She is great with the babies!

Things are changing, changing, changing around here. When I was pregnant I would tell people that my favorite thing about having triplets was to see how they would interact with each other. is interesting! The boys are pretty much always together. Where one is playing, the other is close by. Adam will sit in the floor and "Read" books with Aaron right by his side. It is so cute! But, they do wrestle like crazy. Here are a few pictures of their last match. Aaron usually starts out on top...they laugh and play...then Adam gets tough and Aaron starts to cry! It's really hilarious.

Avery loves her brothers and will offer them pacifiers, kisses, rides in her dumptruck, or snacks. But, they infuriate her as well! She is VERY independent (I don't know where she gets it), and she gets so mad if they get in her way if she is playing with a toy, or if they happen to be in the floor as she is pushing the dumptruck around. Here are some new pictures of her. She fell asleep one night at dinner in her high chair!

Taylor put all the kids in one bed to take some pictures. We think they are so cute!

Finally, here is a picture of Adam that he will hate me for later. I was playing with him and I put a diaper on his head. It looks like an old-fashioned football helmet!