Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas, New Year's, and Our First Movie....

It has been an exciting week!

Our families were all here for Christmas Eve, and the kids enjoyed getting to open their presents. Although we just knew the kids would tear into their presents Christmas morning, we found that they were still overwhelmed by the process! They played with their "Santa" presents, but were reluctant to open other gifts. Leave it up to Aaron--he gladly opened everyone's presents, and the other two were more than willing to let him do so!

The absolute best part of the day was when John and I took them outside to play in what was left of the snow. The kids were not really sure what to do with the snow, when John made a snowball and pelted me with it! They all started laughing and saying "Hit Mommy with snow!" All four of them were running over the yard trying to find enough snow to make a snowball to throw at Mommy. We went over to our neighbors yard to find more snow. They have a pretty steep little slope in their front yard, so Aaron and I barrel rolled down it! We both laughed and laughed! (Of course Adam didn't want to do this...neither did Avery!) It was just so fun being a family and playing outside will forever be one of my sweetest memories.

Brandy and I took the kids to the movie theater today for their first official movie! We watched the Chimpmunks, and the kids loved it! There was about 15 mintues during the middle of the movie where it was just human actors, and the kids got bored with that. But as soon as the chipmunks (and chipettes) came back on, they began clapping and dancing in their seats! They also ate a TON of popcorn!

Tonight John is gone on an annual hunting trip with some friends, so the kids and I celebrated New Year's. Actually, Julie brought over some fake champagne glasses, and the kids said "Cheers!" and toasted! It was so funny! It was bed time as usual for them. As for is quiet in the house and I may just turn in early myself.

Happy New Year's!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pictures with Santa!

Look how our little ones have changed!

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2009



Friday, December 11, 2009

Laughing, Playing, and Learning Every Day!

Seems like it should be our new motto!

I must be honest, I'm having a hard time posting! (Duh, huh?) Well, it's because Blogspot is SO slow in uploading pictures! I love to post pictures, and it just takes an act of Congress! I've ended up just posting all of their pictures on Facebook--which I like--but then I don't write about what's been going on with the kids. On more than one occasion, I've considered stopping the blog. But, then I go back and re-read it, and realize I need to keep it going. I may just eventually transfer everything to a journal to keep for us, but until then, here is another post!

The kids are changing, changing, changing. Every day there are new vocabulary words, new sayings, new games to play. It is exciting, but sad at the same time. They officially AREN'T babies anymore!

They are very fired up about Christmas, and they don't even get the concept of presents yet! They love the tree (which has been pulled over twice), Santa Claus, and Reindeer. We've been watching lots of Christmas specials, looking at Christmas lights, and listening to Christmas music when we are in the car. They LOVE Trans Siberian Orchestra. "Again! Again!" They yell when the song is over! Here are some pictures of them in their Christmas PJs.

Taylor and I love "The Polar Express" book and movie. The kids have watched the movie a couple of times, and seeing how much they love trains, are completely fascinated! Sunday, John, Taylor and I are taking the kids to Grapevine to ride the Polar Express! Of course they are wearing PJs, and will drink hot chocolate! I can't wait to see their faces!


N-A-U-G-H-T-Y! Ha! Aaron is actually very funny and very sweet. But, if there is something to get into, Aaron is going to do it! He is the first one to pull the Christmas tree down. (Now, to appreciate this story, you must understand that Aaron refers to himself in the third person. "Aaron cold", "Aaron hungry..") The kids were around the tree when it came down with a crash! Oranaments broke....I was in the kitchen and he came running to the gate. "Mommy, tree broke!" he said! Upon a small interrogation later Aaron admitted.."Aaron broke tree." Really--I never would have guessed!

Aaron does NOT like the Abominable Snowman on Rudolph! We've had to tell him over and over that that snowman is a silly monster that just likes to play. He says "Aaron pank pank monster." (Translation: spank, spank--or in other words, I'm going to kick that monster's butt if I ever see him!)

Aaron dances like there is no tomorrow, runs around the room chasing his brother and sister, and can actually hit a ball with a bat when you toss it to him--not every time, but he can do it! He and Adam love to set up bowling pins and take turns bowling in the entry way. He is especially fond of his stuffed monkey, and has blamed the monkey for his own shortcomings.

Aaron still likes to snuggle the most and is the most sensitive. His appetite is huge and he LOVES my gravy! Good boy!! He is very social, but every so often, he will sneak off to a quiet part of their play area just to look at a book. Aaron cracks me up when you ask him where something is. For example: "Aaron, where is your milk cup." He will turn and point "Right there." (like I'm an idiot for asking!) He says "Right there" all the time!


Adam can easily count to 15 and then will skip to "20!" The child loves numbers! He spots them in the checkout lines at Walmart, on TV, and anywhere else he can. He can identify all numbers 0-9, and two digit numbers he will just say "2-3" for 23. He too dances like crazy and has taken a serious interest, along with his brother, in drums and the guitar. In fact, TT already gave them their Christmas presents---a drum set and real guitar (along with microphones). The boys play with them all the time.

Adam is very headstrong. While he is the most obedient of the three, if he doesn't want to do something, he will tell you....emphatically. He has really been expressing his independence and tells us "No" very often. Of course it usually lands him in time-out, but he still wants us to know his opinion. He has the most shrill scream when he is mad. We are really working with all of them to use their words! Speaking of words, Adam definitely has the most. That kid never stops talking! Of course we love it---he will even talk to himself in bed right up to the moment he falls asleep.

About a week ago Avery and Aaron had already fallen asleep at night. I was in the living room enjoying some quiet time (John was hunting) when Adam starts calling "Mom! Momma! Momma! Mom!" So, I walk back to their room and take out his pacifier. "What do you need, Son?" I asked. He replied, "Mom, what are you doing?" It was so funny and so cute...I just hugged him and laughed. I told him that I was reading a book and that he needed to go to sleep. "OK" he said...and that was it.

He is a great fan of football, bowling, tennis, golf--real life and on Wii. He always tries to ride Cletus--which is not appreciated by Cletus!


Oh goodness...Avery cracks me up. One minute she is all girl and the next she is tackling her brothers. Avery's favorite thing right now is dinosaurs. All three love dinosaurs, and can name 5 of them in pictures. But Avery has a special love for them. Her dinosaur books are her favorite! Friday I had to take her to the dr for a little infection. She was sitting in a chair by me in the waiting room. I had given her a pen and some paper to draw on--which, we truly believe she is going to be left-handed. Anyway, she drew a line down the middle of the paper and some squiggles/circles about 2/3 of the way down the page. The dr came in and said, "Hi Avery. What are you drawing." Avery replies, "Brachiosaurus." You should have seen the look on the dr's face!

She is a daddy's girl, but wants to snuggle with mom. She likes to stand behind me when I'm sitting on the couch and fix my hair. She has recently really started taking care of her baby doll. TT got her a play pen for Christmas, and most days Avery will put her baby in, cover her up, give her kisses, and put her pacifier in her mouth. She likes to mother the boys as well. Let's be honest...she likes to tell them what to do.

I am truly amazed at how different girls are from boys. Drama already....She is so much like me, though! All she can think about is "Breakfast" and "Night night." She is usually asleep within 5 minutes of laying down at night. Just like me--if I'm horizontal, then I'm out! She loves to draw on their Magna Doodle, she likes to clean, and she can do back flips off the couch (While laying on her back).

I know that I'm going on and on...but there is just so much they can do! So many things have gotten easier. I can actually let them in the kitchen with me for a while. They will help me unload the dishwasher, and they like helping me with laundry. They go easily to the car to load-up and can even climb in their carseats. They help pick up toys each night and will take their drink cups back to the kitchen.

They love sidewalk chalk, looking at the moon, making arts/crafts with TT, playing with each other, and going for rides in the car. Taylor is absolutely amazing with them, and we have been so blessed to have her. She is loving and patient--to them and to John and I!

Our lives have changed so much in the last 2 1/2 years....and I wouldn't change a thing!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Life in the Home of Three Toddlers...

I know, the post sounds terrifying, but really it isn't! Did you know that the average toddler has a melt-down about every 20 minutes? Thank God our kids aren't "average!"

The kids are talking so much...we are constantly amazed at how many new words they are using each week. All three are talking, but Adam is still the most verbal. He just likes to talk! You will hear him in bed at night talking to his stuffed animals about helicopters, airplanes, and Elmo. And, do these kids like to sing! Their current favorite is "Joey" by Sugarland. We finally just bought the whole concert on DVD so that the kids could watch it over and over again. It almost brings tears to my eyes every time to hear their sweet little voices as they sing that song. They can also sing the theme songs to Blues Clues and Elmo. They love Twinkle, Twinkle, 5 Little Monkeys, Itsy Bitsy Spider...any kind of song. They also love musical instruments. Adam is very fascinated by guitars.

In the past few weeks, we have noticed that the boys are starting to act like boys. By that I mean they prefer to play with balls, wrestle, throw things, etc. Avery will be cooking in her kitchen and the boys will have their bowling set up and will be taking turns which they will yell "Strike!" or "Spare!" Yesterday afternoon we were playing outside. Avery was sitting on the driveway coloring with chalk and Aaron and Adam were seeing how far they could throw berries down the driveway. Also, Avery has become very "girlie." She has this little girl giggle that cracks me up! She throws like a girl (poor thing), and she prefers to clean, cook, draw, or climb. We have never encouraged the kids to play with "girl" or "boy" things (in fact, we didn't even laugh when Aaron put on my shoes, grabbed a purse and bracelet, and went to the front door "Bye!", he said)---all toys are equal. So, it's been interesting to see how this has developed naturally.

The transition to toddler beds has been interesting. Aaron still has a hard time going to sleep at night. Avery is asleep within 10 minutes, Adam about 20, and sometimes Aaron is awake an hour after they go to bed! Last night he kept getting out of bed. He would go into the kitchen, come into the living room, anything to keep from going to sleep. John and I were taking turns checking on them, when John came back into the living room and said, "Come here--you have to see this. Aaron is sitting in the bathroom reading a magazine." So, we turned the corner, and sure enough, he was sitting on a small stool reading a magazine. "What are you doing, Aaron?" John asked. "Monkey potty," he replied. Sure enough, Aaron had sat his stuffed monkey on the little potty and Aaron was sitting by him on the stool. John and I tried not to, but we just busted out laughing! It was hilarious!

Enjoy some new pics!

There is a picture just like this taken in October of last year--go back and check it out!

Adam at Fossil Rim Wildlife Park:

Aaron looking at himself in the mirror at Fossil Rim:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Finally....a post!

I don't know why...but I can't get the pictures to move down in the post like I did before!

Sorry to all our blog readers....It has been really interesting around here! I would normally do my posting in the mornings, but the kids were regularly getting up at 5:30, so I wasn't getting it done. And frankly, I'm too beat at night!

The kids are doing absolutely amazing! They have all changed so much, that I'm really not even sure where to begin. So...let's do it alphabetically! Ha!

Like I've said before, Aaron is so dang funny! He is extremely mischievous, in to everything, and most of the time the ring leader. He is very curious, likes to climb, and likes to make his siblings laugh. Aaron is also VERY sweet, caring, and helpful. At night we always change the kids into their pajamas in the living room. Before you can even blink, Aaron has gathered up all the clothes and thrown them over the gate in the hallway. He likes to pass out milk cups, gather juice cups, and it is his job to take Bella outside on a leash.

Aaron is talking so much....I absolutely love it when he says "What Happened?" It is in the sweetest little voice! I usually ask them that when they are crying or upset. Two weeks ago the kids were in the kitchen with me. Aaron opened the pantry, put his hand on his hip, looked at the cabinets, and said "HHMMM..." I looked at him and said, "Where did you learn that?" Taylor and John said I do the same thing all the time! I didn't even realize it!

At their two year visit, Aaron weighed 27 lbs and was 33 1/2 inches tall. He is very stocky in build. He shuffles his feet like an old man, covers his face with his hands when he cries, and loves to stand on your chest. Aaron loves to sing and dance as well. His favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle," "Pat-a-Cake", "Chicken Fried (Zac Brown band), and "All I wanna do" by Sugarland. He pretty much sings/mumbles all the words! Aaron has also caught a ball on many occassions, and he has also hit a pitched ball with a bat many times!

Adam is definitely the most verbal! From the minute he wakes up, to the minute he goes to sleep, he is talking. One day he was in John's basket when we did our WalMart shopping. John said that he talked during the entire shopping trip! He likes to name everything he sees, and his speech is so clear! He can count to 10 by himself, attempts most of his ABC song, and can name several letters---T, L, O, S, A....Adam can hit a ball of a tee, and a plastic golf ball with a club like you wouldn't believe!

Adam is very attached to his brother and sister. Since he is usually the first one up, I have to make sure he doesn't walk down the hallway to their bedroom. He will stand at the gate and yell "Aaron P! Sister! Aaron P!" Yes, he calls Aaron, Aaron P. We have always called Aaron that, and Adam does now too. The funniest thing is when they are in the living room playing. Adam may be on one side of the living room, and Aaron on the other. If Adam wants to show Aaron something, he will start yelling "Aaron P!! Aaron P!!" But, he yells everyone else's name too. He is so funny when he does that! We call my mom Mamaw, but Adam calls her "Memaw! Memaw!"

He gets so excited about everything! We love that! In fact, if you show him something new or cool, he will say "Oh, WOW!!" He loves to sneak up on you and scare you....he will bend his knees, take baby steps, and whisper "Sneak, Sneak..." until he scares you! He loves doing it to Avery and Aaron too! He runs very quickly, and still gets that left arm flailing around. He is such a sweet and smart boy...he even pee-d in the potty today!

Adam weighed 27 1/2 pounds and was 34 in tall.

Daddy's little princess....she is ALL girl. She loves wearing dresses, insists that you put a bow in her hair every day, and has recently started really caring for her baby doll. She will give her doll baths with a dry washcloth, feed her a bottle, pretend like she's crying and ask "OK?", and she has put the baby in time-out several times! I was at an inservice two weeks ago and Taylor sent me a picture of Avery's baby sitting in the time-out area in the hallway. Avery says "No..No...trouble..time-out, time-out." Of course she tries to put her brothers in time out too, but they don't listen! Avery loves to clean, sweep, and sit by you on the couch.

Avery can have a sweet, little girl voice or a very deep, Demi Moore voice. She growls like a possessed animal, loves her dinosaur books and puzzle, and insists on hand-feeding Alex catfood. She has the deepest laugh that makes your whole body smile when hearing it. Avery has adapted the best to toddler beds, and will fall asleep within minutes of getting into bed. (Just like me!)

Avery weighed 24 1/2 pounds and was 31 in tall. She is a very tiny thing....only in the 25% on the growth chart! She is definitely fiesty and independent! She is pretty quiet when we are out in public, and often looks at people like "What are you looking at?" She has the prettiest hair and big brown eyes. She knows how to work the pout too! Avery loves to play kitchen, and likes to bring you bites after whipping up something special. She does a great impersonation of Cookie Monster eating cookies too! Abby is her favorite Sesame Street character.

Together: They all love Sesame Street, Blues Clues, and Thomas the Train. They sing all the theme songs and dance every time they hear the music. It is nothing for Adam to wake up in the middle of the night and ask "Elmo? Elmo?" No, son....Elmo is sleeping.

They are great eaters and eat two meals a day at the table. Breakfast is pretty much finger-foods in the living room. Every Sunday John makes them french toast with either bacon/sausage. That is a big treat as he even puts syrup on their french toast! Their favorite foods are corn on the cob, cornbread, bananas, apples, tortellini, cheese, mashed potatoes, and of course, my gravy.

The kids absolutely love playing with John. He will play Wii for them, lift them over and over to shoot baskets in the house, lay on the floor and let them crawl all over him...pretty much whatever they want to do. He will discipline them, but mostly, he's the fun guy. When he's in charge--like if I'm napping or gone to a movie with a friend--they get to eat junk food snacks and less healthy dinners. Of course they love it!

Taylor is absolutely amazing with them. She is firm with discipline, yet so loving and caring. We are so extremely blessed to have her in our lives. She has been such a great help to John and I....not just the kids. She helps give us time to have some sanity! She is starting back to college this semester, and we are very proud of her.

We really can't believe they are 2! It has gone by so quickly....Friday will be the 2 year anniversary of the day we brought the boys home. My, how they all have changed!

Thanks for your patience with me, and I hope you have enjoyed reading this update! Much love!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Update Coming!

Please be patient! I am sorry I haven't been able to post. Taylor was on vacation much of July, then John and I went on vacation, and now I'm getting ready for school to start! The kids aren't sleeping as late, or going to bed as early, so I have less time to sit!

I promise good pics soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Please Continue your Prayers

Unfortunately, the little boy that I mentioned in my last post passed away on Saturday night. Please pray for Steve and Shiloh Staples (parents) and Abigail (his big sister.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bad Blogger Award.....goes to Jill!

SO Sorry!!! (I started this post last week, but am having problems getting pictures uploaded and to move around through the post. are a few pics, and then I will post a separate post with just pictures.)

We've been busy enjoying the summer! We have gone swimming a couple of times. The kids like being in the water. I want to take them to the kiddie pool at our park, but it has just been so dang hot! Here are some pool pics....

Two weeks ago we (Taylor and my parents) took the kids to the Fort Worth Stockyards to ride the Tarantula Train. It was so much fun! They boys have really gotten into trains, so they were super excited. When we first got there I was holding Adam next to the train. He was saying "Choo-Choo, Please!" over and over again! He couldn't wait to get on! It was an hour long trip, and they did so good!

They have been talking up a storm! Adam is putting two words together, and all three are repeating just about everything we say. They love to sing! They try to sing "ABC", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Pat a Cake." I need to get video!

I found out from a friend that there was a new recall on our baby cribs. The Government website for recalls had the cribs as the number one recall! Anyway, I tore down the cribs on Monday, took them back to Walmart, and got them toddler beds! They have done really well! As with anything, it has taken time. At first they would just run around their room and play. So, for the last two days I have let them spend a large amount of time playing in their room and on their beds. Last night I really emphasized that it was time for bed, and not play time. It took about 45 minutes for everyone to be totally asleep. Tonight it only took 15 minutes! Here are some new pictures!

Finally, we did the kids' two-year pictures at the golf course. It took us two trips out there, because it started raining the first time! She took over 200 shots, so here are some of the best. Adam is in the red shirt.

Please Pray for a Friend

A couple we know has a son in Cook's Hospital that has been there for 2 months. The baby's name is Kyle Staples, and his parents are Steve and Shiloh.

Here is a link to their blog. Please take time to pray for Kyle's healing.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things Continue to Change


I posted only 2 1/2 weeks ago, and yet it seems like things have changed so much with the kids! First of all, Avery has decided to talk! Just like the boys, she says new things every day. She still likes to point and let Aaron talk for her, but it is nothing like it was 2 weeks ago! They all try to say everything we say. It is so cute! Of course, John said "Horseshit" the other night watching a Ranger's game. Sure enough, Avery said "Sorse..sit." It is funny right now! (We both know we have to start watching our language in front of them. Ha!)

Adam is obsessed with Elmo, bugs, and golf on Wii. When he gets fixated on an idea, he says it over and over and OVER again. He and Aaron beg John to play "Ball" and "Golf" on Wii every day--which he gladly does. They both love it and yell "Home Run" when John hits one over. Adam also likes to sit with John and watch golf and baseball. Adam is a very sweet boy. He will give Aaron and Avery their favorite toys, give hugs and kisses, and say "Bubba" and "Sister" or "Avery." He always hits balls with bats around the house. We bought a tee last week because I figured they would like to try it. Well, here is a video of Adam just after John got it out of the box. He did so good! We think that he has amazing hand/eye coordination for a child that isn't even 2! Adam is also very observant, obedient, and funny. He has such a cool personality and the best hair!

Aaron is so funny and sensitive! He is slow to wake up in the morning--which I like because he gives the BEST morning hugs! Aaron too loves to watch John play Wii, and will hold his bat and swing at the appropriate times. Last week Adam had to go to the doctor. (Taylor brought them to school and I just got Adam out of the car with his carseat and took him with me.) Well, Aaron FREAKED! He started crying and yelling "Momma...Bubba...Momma...Bubba!" Taylor took them to the park, and although he did play there, when they got home he just sat at the picnic table until I got home with Adam. Aaron eats like a horse, says everything we say, and gives the sweetest kisses. Tonight when I took the kids walking Avery had a sneezing fit. Aaron was sitting by her, and when she stopped, he leaned over to her and said "Sister" and gave her three big kisses! He helps us clean up the sippie cups, doesn't mind taking his medicine, loves to dip his food in ketchup, and hugs his brother and sister every day.

Avery's voice has really changed since she started talking. She still has a deep laugh, but she has the sweetest sounding little voice when she talks. I will whisper secrets in her ear (I do this with the boys too) and she will whisper back to me. The sound of her voice makes us melt! She is very outgoing and loves to give hugs and kisses to anyone that will hold her. She knows when she looks pretty too! I put a dress on her today and she immediately started holding it out to the side. When I put up her hair, she started asking for me to put a bow in her hair. She knows she's pretty! She loves the play equipment at the park, and is truly fearless. She does front flips on her own in the house, and will want you to flip her backwards over and over again. Her favorite thing right now is when I read "How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?" before bedtime. They all act out the book, but Avery is especially animated about it! When I pull the book off the shelf she starts laughing! (I really need to get this on tape.)

John, Taylor, and I took the kids to the Ft Worth Zoo last Sunday. It was such a fun day! The kids loved are a few of the million pictures we have!

I have been so proud of the kids lately. It seems like all of the things we work so hard to teach them are finally being seen. For example, they are so kind to each other and so giving. It makes our hearts fill with love when we see them sharing toys, giving hugs and kisses, and giving things to each other. We are also so proud of how well they are using their manners. They say "Please", "Thank You" and "Sorry." We can easily take all three of them out to eat dinner. They sit nicely, eat their food, and make a minimal mess. Of course we have our rough days--they are toddlers--but they are truly amazing children!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

22 Months Old!

John took this picture of the kids behind our recliners. Think there was any naughtiness happening here?

Yesterday was a day of highs and lows. First of all, Adam pee-ed in the potty! We always offer them the chance to go before bath, and Adam did it! I'm not sure he is really ready yet, but it was sure exciting!

Then, we found out that John's dad passed away around 7 PM. He has been struggling for the last 4 months--bypass surgery, staph infection, etc--but has been very strong. He had actually been moved from the hospital to a rehab center, and we were hoping he would come home next week. Well, yesterday he fell and hit his head and had a brain bleed. When John talked to him around 11 AM, he was fine--then he died in the evening. Everyone in the family seems to be doing ok...

Finally, around 9 PM, the Personnel Director called and said I had been approved by the School Board and was officially offered a teaching position! I will be teaching 5th grade at the Intermediate School--it is actually the school that first hired me in Glen Rose. Oh, the irony! After being away from school, and then back at teaching, I have realized it is my true calling in life! I feel thankful for the opportunity to teach again.

So, enough about us....The kids are doing great! The last month has flown by and the kids are funnier than ever. Aaron finds it humorous to tell us that he has pooped, only to laugh out loud when you check his empty diaper. Adam is talking up a storm. Everyday he wants John to play baseball on Wii. All three kids love watching! Avery is pointing, grunting, and getting her brothers to do all of the talking for her! She is doing flips all over the house, walking in play high-heel shoes, and enjoys showing us she can jump off the ground.

The kids LOVE Sesame Street! They ask for "Elmo" and "Cookie" everyday! It cracks me up!! They still love going to the park, and they want to be outside as much as possible. We finally got sand for a sandbox given to them as a Christmas present. Avery loved playing in the sand...Adam was a little tentative, but liked it....Aaron hated it! He did NOT like the feel of the sand and wanted out quickly. Here are some pics.

Also, our friend Sonja and I took all 5 of our kids to Fossil Rim two weeks ago. Same scenario as the sandbox...Avery was practically crawling out of the window to feed the animals..Adam sat in Sonja's lap as she drove and talked the whole time.....Aaron stayed as far away from the open window as he could. He kept saying "Oh, no" when a big animal would come up to his closed window! It was so funny!! I will upload pics when I get them from Sonja.