I wanted to give you an update on each one. They are all very different, and I was hoping to give you a good picture of their personalities!
When I think of Aaron, the first word that comes to my mind is "Hilarious." Aaron is so funny and so mischievous. Aaron is full of personality--he is very outgoing, loves to talk to people, and is a huge flirt. For example, we went out for lunch on Sunday. There was a table full of junior high girls behind us. When Aaron noticed them, he said "Hi" in a really sweet voice. Of course they noticed him, and the flirting was on. He would turn his head, smile, laugh, talk, and then turn away quickly. I would look at him, and he started cutting his eyes trying to get the girls' attention again. They just oohhed and aahhhed all over him and he ate it up!
Aaron feels things in extremes. If they are sick, he takes it the hardest. If they are laughing, he laughs the loudest. He dances with crazy arms, takes pleasure in throwing toys, and gives the best hugs ever. He loves food! You can count on him to eat the most, say "MMmmmm" after the first few bites, and be the first to ask for "Bites." He still loves his Paci at bedtime, must have a blanket for snuggling, and he will sit with his sister when she is in time-out. (Which happens frequently!)
Aaron has an uncanny ability to understand sports. The first time he ever watched golf or baseball, he responded appropriately to what he was seeing without having heard crowd noise first. John loves it!
Aaron has many nicknames, but the two that describe him best are: Aaron the Destructor (he loves to throw toys, tear down block buildings, etc) and Grabby Grabberton (he has to touch EVERYTHING!) Aaron is SSOOOOO much like me! I swear it is like looking at myself sometimes!
Adam has the sweetest smile I have ever seen on a child. He looks just like John, except for the hair and eye color. Adam LOVES to learn! He will spend hours each day looking at books or bringing books to you to read. He says "That?" all the time, loves watching "Wheel of Fortune" (and yells O and I at the TV), and his favorite thing is playing basketball with John every night. Adam also has the sweetest little voice. He has become the most verbal of the three and will try to repeat anything you say to him. He too loves to talk to people and is constantly saying "Hi" to anyone who gets within an earshot. He likes his Elmo PJ's, giving pretend bites with a spoon, and reading to Aaron.
They are all good kids, but Adam is the one that always does what he is supposed to be doing. One day the five of us took a shopping trip to WalMart. When we got home John and I unloaded the kids and went into our bedroom to put on some shorts. I thought John put the gates up in the living room, and he thought I did. So after a couple of minutes, Adam walks over to the gate in front of our bedroom door and starts saying "Uh-oh! Uh-oh!" We knew instantly that the other two were up to something. John went into the living room and Avery and Aaron had already run through the kitchen, down the hall, and up the stairs to Taylor's room. And Adam told on them for doing it!
Adam is very cautious when playing at the park, thinks that going a medium speed (like on the swing) is FAST, and prefers scoping things out completely before joining in. He must have his Steeler's Terrible Towel to sleep, and most nights he wraps it around his head when sleeping. Adam LOVES music!! He dances (in rhythm) to songs on CMT, plays a keyboard, and does a smooth thing with his hands while dancing when the mood strikes.
Adam doesn't require as much sleep, but heaven forbid you wake him up before he is ready. NOT GOOD!!!
Avery is very smart and very strong-willed. She is 100 MPH or dead asleep...with no inbetween! Avery fully believes that this is HER world, and we are all just a small part of it! Avery has a very deep voice and a laugh that is truly contagious. She is completely fearless. It is nothing for her to try to jump off the couch or to insist that you flip her over backwards over and over again. She has physical abilities, like balance and coordination, that are more advanced than the boys. Avery can already do a somersault by herself, balance in the windowsill, and likes to put little chairs together and walk on top of them. Needless to say, Avery loves the park. She starts laughing and kicking her legs as soon as she sees the covered play area. She will climb and slide with no assistance from us regardless of how little she seems compared to the large playground equipment.
Avery mastered every wooden puzzle we have, and within a few hours of seeing them. She is very spatial and has great reasoning skills already! She does not talk as much as the boys, I think mainly because she hasn't felt a true need to do so. She gets most of what she wants by pointing or getting her brothers to say it for her.
Avery thinks that every toy belongs only to her and frequently takes things from her brothers. She bosses them around, telling them "No No!" if she deems their behavior inappropriate. One time Adam kept trying to get behind the TV. Avery picked up her little spoon from their play kitchen and smacked Adam with it, while saying "No! No!"
Avery is a girly-girl: she loves dresses, bows, purses, and looking pretty! She has the most beautiful eyes, hair, and face. She loves getting her hair blow-dried and looking in the mirror. She LOVES to snuggle in the morning. She will sit in your lap for an hour and just let you hold her. (After that...forget it! She's on the move!) She gives sweet hugs and likes to hug her special book about babies. At the same time, she doesn't mind getting dirty or wrestling with her brothers or John. She is a Daddy's Girl completely, and I think she is a little John. Not only does she have his black hair, but she has his personality! She loves her brothers so much and hugs them every day.
Avery doesn't talk to people when we go out. She is always too focused on her surroundings. Most times, she doesn't even smile. She is very quiet outside of the home.
There is no way to describe everything they all do, but I hope this gives you a good picture of who they are becoming. They are all so good-natured and fun. We have to be the most blessed parents in the world!