Thursday, October 30, 2008

15-month Checkups and Adam Video

Things went VERY well at the doctor yesterday! I took the babies by myself because Taylor had the stomach bug, and John had a meeting with his boss. I said lots of prayers for strength at the beginning of the day, and thanks to answered prayers, things went very smoothly!

Aaron: 21 lbs. 1 oz--30 1/4 in
Adam: 21 lbs. 4 oz--30 1/2 in
Avery: 20 lbs.--29 1/2 in

They each gained about a pound since the last checkup. No worries, as they are still on the same curve of the growth chart.

Developmentally, Dr. Watts said they looked like "normal 15-month old kids!" We've never heard that during a check up before! Yeah! She said she was very pleased with:
1. How well they have progressed developmentally;
2. The wide variety of foods they eat (anything from avocados, black beans, sweet potatoes to fruits and fish sticks!);

3. How well we are doing with their schedules;

4. The overall disposition of the babies. (Not one cry during the physical exam!)

They each needed two vaccines as well as the flu shot. In total, it was four shots each...yuck! I know you are probably wondering how that all's the scene...

Two babies are in the double stroller...I hold one baby down on the table... the nurse administers the shots... I scoop up the baby and comfort... after the crying stops (just a minute or so) a different nurse comes in and takes that baby to find stickers... I pick up the next kid and the cycle starts again!

By the time we got home, the kids were miserable. Their little legs hurt from shots, and they were so tired from having a minimal afternoon nap. This morning they were still sore and just laid on pillows for the first hour of the day. They snuggled their blankets, drank milk, and watched "Blues Clues." It was very unusual. I'm happy to report, however, that after getting up and moving around, they are all doing just fine!

Here are pics of them this morning. Aaron was hugging his sister.

Adam is our sweet, quiet child. Adam is the kid who plays with the toys the correct way, will sit and "read" books out loud, and gives the sweetest little kisses. Right now his favorite thing is changing the "radio" stations on one of their play toys. The toy has radio buttons on it, and he will pick a song, listen for a few seconds, and then turn it to another song. Meanwhile, he is dancing or rocking back/forth on his bottom. He is also quite adept at doing motions for "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Here's what I got on video. It's not quite the whole song, but you know kids don't perform on cue! (Sorry you have to hear my singing!!)
Whenever the boys "Bonk" their heads, it means they want to sing a song or hear music. Notice how Adam just zones out at the end....Wheel Of Fortune was on, and Adam has the patented "Power Stare" at the TV!!

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