There were three tasks that the therapist had each baby complete. She would work with one child at a time, demonstrate a task, and then see if the child could copy her. They had to put three small cubes in a cup, get a small M&M out of a long-neck bottle, and color with a crayon. All three kids were able to complete all three tasks, but Aaron was by far the quickest! He amazed me because I have never seen him do any of those things. Mostly, Aaron walks around, steals other toys, pulls Avery's bow out of her hair, and laughs alot! He is a very funny child, but it is really hard to get him to sit and "learn,"--or so I thought!
Aaron has also really taken to sign language, and is the pro around our house. He can sign "More," "Bite," "Thank You", and "All done." He also is very verbal...whatever you say to him, he tries to say back. He uses the same intonation in his voice that you use, even though the words aren't clear. We are so proud of him! Each kid definitely has different strengths!
Here are some pics of Aaron...
Saturday, my parents, sister, and nephew took the kids to Mainstay Farm in Cleburne. It is a pumpkin farm with hay rides, slides, mazes, etc. It is a neat place and will really be great for the kids in about 3 more years. They were too little to do most things, but we did get to go on the hay ride! Here are some pictures from that day.
Here are also some cute pics of the babies helping Papaw build a wagon, them in the tent with my mom, and of my parents with them at breakfast.
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