Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cute Pics

Things are going well here! I've really enjoyed my first full week back at school. I've learned one thing for sure--having children made me so much more patient! It's been great to see all of my school friends again, and I love being back in the classroom!

John and I have been struggling with our allergies, and like clockwork, so have the kids. It hasn't really hit Aaron and Avery, but Adam got a double ear infection. Taylor had to take them to the doctor because I couldn't leave work at that time. It was so hard on me, and I felt so guilty!! Taylor is so amazing with the kids and with helping us. I'm so glad we found her!

John's dad is in the hospital in Abilene and not doing well. Please keep him and John's family in your prayers.

The kids have been so fun and their little personalities are getting BIG! They have definitely started throwing fits!

Avery is a Diva--in her own mind. She gets furious if her brothers take anything away from her, get in her personal space, or if you make her do something she does NOT want to do! (Like coming in from playing outside.)

Aaron is really exploring language and is trying new words every day. He says "Mamamma" for banana. He can say touchdown, blue, yellow, and so many other things! Not clearly, of course, but you know that is what he is saying.

When Adam walks fast he gets that right arm swinging like crazy! It is so funny! He must sleep with two blankets and his Steeler's Terrible Towel. Don't force him to eat or drink anything. And he hates to lay down to get his diaper changed!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

The new pictures are so cute! Love the one of them kissing. Our boys like to give kisses too!