Sunday, March 30, 2008

Avery has a tooth!

Avery's first tooth broke through this last week! It is really starting to peak is so cute! The boys are chewing like crazy, but no teeth yet!

We got the babies a new toy on Saturday. They love to jump, so it is a stationary horse that they sit in and bounce. It makes horse noises and music....they all love it!

Also, Avery learned a new trick....she smiles as soon as you point the camera at her. Apparently she is just like her mom!

Here is also a picture of the babies in their red wagon...the boys sit on the seats on the end, and Avery sits in the middle.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March of Dimes Walk

The March of Dimes has been conducting research for the health of babies for many years. Lots of the new, innovative things that were done while the babies were in the NICU was the direct result of the March of Dimes.

Shayla R. took care of the babies every Thursday-Saturday night while they were in the hospital. She was the babies' main night nurse, just like Nurse Brandy was for the daytime. Shayla is participating in a March of Dimes walk in April, and she asked if she could post a picture of her and Avery on her walk homepage! The link to Shayla's website is:

If you are able to donate, I know Shayla would greatly appreciate it! She is a wonderful person and nurse. Also, all of the money raised goes to the March of Dimes as they continue to look for new ways to help infants. To put it all in perspective: Did you know that President Kennedy had a premature baby that died? The baby was about 4 pounds at birth and had lung distress. He only lived for two days. So, in 1967 a baby couldn't be saved, yet lung distress is a common problem for preemies, and one that is easily overcome.

Here are some more pictures! (Avery grabbling my empty coffee cup...Adam clowning around...Dad with babies)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

8 Months Old and Happy Easter!

The babies turned 8 months old today!

We had a great day at home. John bought them tons of stuff for Easter baskets (some of it at the Relay for Life basket auction at work). This morning while I napped, he put all the baskets together and got them ready for the babies. He's such a good Daddy!

Each baby got a metal basket with eggs stuffed with money for their savings accounts and various candies (which we ate!). The boys got a fishing pole, tackle box, lounge chair, and a basketball goal. Avery got two stuffed animals, several items that make noise, teethers, a stroller and feather boa for dress up (all that she will use much later!)

We hope that you had a Blessed Easter Holiday!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Hi! Hope all is well in your world. Things are great here!

The babies went for their last RSV shot on Thursday! Yeah! Their weights were:

Aaron-- 16 lbs. 6 oz
Adam-- 16 lbs. 9 oz
Avery-- 15 lbs. 6 oz.

They all gained over a pound last month, and Adam finally passed his brother! I get the feeling those two are always going to be competing over something.

Wednesday was my birthday. John brought the babies to me in bed and they all sang "Happy Birthday" to me. What a wonderful way to start the day! Then, when I came home from lunch, I found the birthday gift that the babies made for me. Chelsea had each baby finger paint on a piece of posterboard (1/4 size). She wrote each baby's name, the date, a birthday message from them, and then bound the paintings into a book that said "Happy Birthday Mom" on the front. Of course I cried! What was also so cool is that she took pictures of them while they were painting. Each baby felt differently about the paint too.

Aaron liked it. He moved his hands around at first and then just tapped on the paper with his fingertips.

Avery LOVED it! She moved her hands around everywhere, stuck them in her mouth, and then threw up on the edge of the paper! I've never mentioned this, but Avery is our little puker. Any little thing and she gags and throws up everywhere. (In fact, one time Chelsea was teasing Avery about getting chubby. For the next three days Avery would stick her fingers in her throat and throw up. We accused Chelsea of making Avery bulimic.)

Adam HATED it! Chelsea would put paint on his hands and then put his hands on the paper. He would immediately pull his hands back. He finally started hiding his hands from her...his legs and sides were covered with paint from him "hinding" them.

Since Monday was St. Patrick's Day, we took pictures of the babies in their festive bibs.

My sister and nephews came down last weekend. Here is a picture of Avery sleeping on my sister.

Aaron is sitting up on his own for about 3-5 minutes before falling over.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cute pictures of Avery

Avery is our very active child! She is constantly moving, looking around, and laughing at something. She has a gutteral laugh that just kills John and I. Her voice is WAY deeper than the boys.

When I was pregnant, I pictured that Avery would have John's black hair and that she would be so full of life. Well...she is! She wakes up smiling and she stays that way all day long. She's a mess...

Anyway...Avery was sitting and standing on the couch when Chelsea caught some cute pictures of her. I wanted to share!

**Please keep the Barron triplets in your prayers. They are from Commanche and are at Harris Hospital. They are doing well, but it is definitely a roller coaster! Mom and Dad are having to travel on the weekends only because they have another daughter that is in school. They also do not have insurance. Please pray for financial assistance for them as well.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Trips take DinoWorld!

There is a brand new exhibit in Glen Rose called DinoWorld that opened this weekend. It is a mile trail with over 100 life-sized dinosaurs. Way cool! (The science nerd in me just loved it!) So, today John and I took the babies out for their first real adventure!!

It was a beautiful day! The babies loved being outside, although I don't think they even noticed the dinosaurs. We had so much fun, as it's the first of many Power family Sunday outings! We are so excited about the babies growing up and all of the wonderful things we will get to do with them.

Of course we were an attraction ourselves....people stopped and talked to the babies and even took pictures! It was really sweet.

Here are some pictures. Adam is in the denim overalls. Notice John's shirt says "Daddy of Triplets: I'm the Man".

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Triple Jogging Stroller

At one of my baby showers, the hostesses got us a double and a single stroller. The triple (in-line) strollers are just too huge and too expensive, and I figured I wouldn't be going many places by myself anyway. We love the strollers, and they work great when there is two of us. But, now that spring is upon us, I really wanted a triple jogging stroller so that I could take the babies out by myself. (Or Chelsea could take them for walks during the day too). We got one today! John found it on eBay and I picked it up in Grapevine. I love it!! It turns on a dime and feels great on the road. Here are pictures of the babies in their new stroller. (Which, by the way, is so wide that it won't fit through a door!)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Finally....New Pictures!

Wow! We've been busy! I've been working quite a bit and we had company this last week from Wed-Saturday.

Things are going great here! The babies are doing so well! They continue to grow and change every day. We are working with them on drinking out of Sippy cups. They haven't quite mastered it yet, but actually did get some juice out of the cups today! Chelsea took pictures of Aaron and Avery working on it. Here is also one of my favorite new pictures of Adam. Don't you love those blue eyes?

Everyone is laughing out loud more and still sleeping through the night. Now, you must know that sleeping through the night is not an every night thing. With three babies, someone always needs something in the night...but it is definitely down to a minimum. In fact, Avery wakes up around 3 AM each morning. On the monitor you can hear her "singing" herself back to sleep! It is so funny and so cute!

Two of my very best friends, Denise and Trent, visited from Wed-Friday. They have a 6-month old son too. It was great to see all the babies interacting with each other. Denise took a bunch of pictures, but I only have a few. I've posted one, and will post more when Denise emails them to me.

Also, another couple of our best friends, Jeff and Sonja, came down on Friday. Their daughter is 2 1/2 and loves helping with the babies. Here is a picture of Jeff, Reagan, and Avery.

I met someone through a mutual friend that just gave birth to triplets last week! Her babies were born at 29 weeks...two boys and a girl. Please pray for the Barron Triplets. They are doing well, but as you know from following our babies, there is a long road ahead of them! They also have a 3 or 4 year-old daughter already, so they need lots of prayers and support!