Monday, March 3, 2008

Finally....New Pictures!

Wow! We've been busy! I've been working quite a bit and we had company this last week from Wed-Saturday.

Things are going great here! The babies are doing so well! They continue to grow and change every day. We are working with them on drinking out of Sippy cups. They haven't quite mastered it yet, but actually did get some juice out of the cups today! Chelsea took pictures of Aaron and Avery working on it. Here is also one of my favorite new pictures of Adam. Don't you love those blue eyes?

Everyone is laughing out loud more and still sleeping through the night. Now, you must know that sleeping through the night is not an every night thing. With three babies, someone always needs something in the night...but it is definitely down to a minimum. In fact, Avery wakes up around 3 AM each morning. On the monitor you can hear her "singing" herself back to sleep! It is so funny and so cute!

Two of my very best friends, Denise and Trent, visited from Wed-Friday. They have a 6-month old son too. It was great to see all the babies interacting with each other. Denise took a bunch of pictures, but I only have a few. I've posted one, and will post more when Denise emails them to me.

Also, another couple of our best friends, Jeff and Sonja, came down on Friday. Their daughter is 2 1/2 and loves helping with the babies. Here is a picture of Jeff, Reagan, and Avery.

I met someone through a mutual friend that just gave birth to triplets last week! Her babies were born at 29 weeks...two boys and a girl. Please pray for the Barron Triplets. They are doing well, but as you know from following our babies, there is a long road ahead of them! They also have a 3 or 4 year-old daughter already, so they need lots of prayers and support!

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