Friday, March 14, 2008

Cute pictures of Avery

Avery is our very active child! She is constantly moving, looking around, and laughing at something. She has a gutteral laugh that just kills John and I. Her voice is WAY deeper than the boys.

When I was pregnant, I pictured that Avery would have John's black hair and that she would be so full of life. Well...she is! She wakes up smiling and she stays that way all day long. She's a mess...

Anyway...Avery was sitting and standing on the couch when Chelsea caught some cute pictures of her. I wanted to share!

**Please keep the Barron triplets in your prayers. They are from Commanche and are at Harris Hospital. They are doing well, but it is definitely a roller coaster! Mom and Dad are having to travel on the weekends only because they have another daughter that is in school. They also do not have insurance. Please pray for financial assistance for them as well.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Just adorable! We've so enjoyed looking at all the pics and hearing the stories. I'll be praying for the Barron triplets.

If you go to my blog & look at "people to see" you will see Liv Laf Luv. That's Liv's blog. She is now writing for an online magazine called Growing in Grace.

Take care & I'll be in touch with you!