Avery: 22 in. long and 10 pounds
Adam: 21 1/2 in. long and 11-6 pounds
Aaron: 21 1/2 in. long and 11-2 pounds
The babies are getting to be so big!! They had their 2nd round of immunizations along with their RSV shots. It was pretty rough on everyone...Mom and Chelsea included!
Tuesday John and I took all the babies to Cook's. Avery had a follow-up suck/swallow study. She did great! No more Thick-It in her bottles! We also went to the NICU and visited with Ms. Brandy. The babies did so well all day.
They started eating cereal on Wednesday night. It was so funny! John has never fed a baby cereal, so it was a learning adventure for him as well. This morning the babies ate their whole bowls of cereal! They are really getting the hang of it!
Finally...a picture of the babies with Ms. Chelsea! She is so amazing....we are truly blessed to have her! Also, there are pictures of the babies eating cereal. (Adam has the red bib).
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The babies are growing so much! I have got to come see them (and you!) again soon. I love the pics of the "cereal mouths"! Too cute!
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