Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Three Weeks Old on Monday

The Triplets were three weeks old yesterday!

Everyone is making wonderful progress! Avery weighs 3 lbs. 12 oz., and has been moved up to taking 4 bottles per day. She was very sluggish with her eating, but the light has clicked on, and she is doing much better now!

Adam weighs 3 lbs. 1 oz. and Aaron weighs 3 lbs. 3 oz. The boys are wonderful eaters, and will be taking the bottle at 2 out of 3 feedings. They are well on their way to a bottle for each feeding!

The next big step for the babies will be a move to an open crib. When babies reach 3 1/2 pounds, they are usually able to hold their own body temperature in an open crib. Avery is big enough to try this move, but we (us, nurses, and doctor) think it will be best to wait for the boys to reach that weight so that they can all try it together. If the boys continue gaining weight at the same pace, it is possible they could try an open crib in about a week.

Dr. Grubbs, the Neonatologist, is extremely pleased with their progress. He said that once babies get to the 4 bottle per day feeding schedule, it is usually only a week before they are taking bottles for all feedings. So, within a week it is possible that they are all taking 8 bottles per day, and hanging out in an open crib! It would even be realistic to think they could be home in 2-3 more weeks! (Criteria for going home are: bottles/breast feeding for all feedings, maintaining body temperature, vital signs stable).

We are spending more nights in Fort Worth, and will continue to do so as the babies are getting closer to coming home.

John has officially nicknamed the kids! (If you know John very well, he has a million nicknames. I don't think he has ever called me "Jill.")

Avery: General Squeaky --She makes little squeaks all the time! It is so cute and so funny. We are worried that Cletus may think she is a squeak toy! :)

Adam: Captain Slappy--Adam finds much pleasure in slapping his brother and sister with his wild, uncontrollable arm movements.

Aaron: Sgt. Stinky--Aaron made the WORST smelling poop last night! John was holding him, and I thought he was going to throw up before I got Aaron and changed his diaper. Can a three pound human really make a mess that big?

Thanks for checking up on the kids and for keeping them in your prayers! Look at how the boys love their passifiers!


Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest, most precious sight. What beautiful babies. I love seeing the pixs. Sonja has some awesome ones from their visit. I can't wait to see the three in person. You look great & John looks like a pro. We are all so happy for you & are continuing to pray. Take care & kiss the babies~ love ya! Courtney

Anonymous said...

Precious, Cute and Sweet sound like great nicknames to me. They are beautiful. We are all so proud of you guys and the babies. They are just a blessing that can not even be described.
Love you and big hugs,

Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed at your babies! They are so awesome. What a miracle! They are just too cute. I can't wait to see them in person! Take care. Keep in touch.