Sunday, September 30, 2007

Newest GR Tiger Fans

Sorry it has been so long since I posted....we had a very busy week!

We went to the pediatrician again on Wednesday. Aaron weighs 6 lbs 12 oz, Adam weighs 6 lbs 10 oz, and Avery weighs 6 lbs 2 oz. They all checked out well again. Unfortunately, they had to get their 2 month immunizations...5 shots each! It was miserable for them, me, and Chelsea (who was there helping me). Luckily, they were only fussy into the evening, but slept well and felt fine on Thursday. Me, on the other hand, got sick Thursday and ran a big fever until I went to the doctor on Friday. I'm fine now...thank goodness for John and Chelsea taking care of the babies while I was down.

Friday was Glen Rose's Homecoming game. Debbie Davis (who by the way is an excellent cook) made Homecoming mums for the babies! They are so tiny and so dang cute!! Thanks Debbie! I hope you enjoy the pictures of them with their mums. I'm quite sure Aaron was already holding up his finger like he was singing the Tiger Fight song! (Avery got too hungry, so her pictures didn't turn out as well).

My mom is coming down today to spend the week with us. Tomorrow we take Avery back to Cook's for her follow-up Swallow/Suck function testing. Maybe we will get to quit adding Thick-It to her formula. Oh, last week we had to go to Cook's for an appt. for the boys and we stopped by the NPCU. The nurses just loved all over the babies! They miss our little ones. Well, they can miss them, but they can't have them back!! :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

We are 2 months old!

Yesterday the babies turned 2 months old! We are amazed at how quickly the time has gone by! I know we will turn around and they will be a year old.

Adam, Avery, and Aaron are all doing great! I think the whole "eating" thing has kicked in for Avery...she has been taking a full bottle (60 ml) at almost every feeding for the last few days. The boys are now eating up to 75 mls at each feeding. Just think, when they were born, they were each eating 8 mls every three hours. The babies are also out of their Preemie clothes, and are wearing Newborn sizes!

I took some pictures of the babies to post, but the lighting was bad, so I'm going to try again tomorrow. I did take pictures of their nurseries, so that is what I am posting tonight. The cribs were purchased by my Aunt and Uncle, and our friends from Midland bought both of the beautiful wooden dresser pieces. We've gone with a Hawaiian theme...I really like it, and it is something different.

I started working real estate again today. I will work about 10 hours or so a week. I haven't really worked since the first week of May, and my mind needs it! I also went walking/jogging this afternoon. OUCH!! It is nice to start getting all of the pieces of our lives back together. The babies are the icing on the cake!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Good Visit to the Pediatrician

The babies have grown SO much! Aaron weighs 6 lbs. 4 oz. -- Adam is 6 lbs. 2 oz.-- and Avery weighs 5 lbs. 15 oz. We were so excited! All other things checked out very well too. Next week the babies will have their two month shots, so I'm not looking forward to that visit. I believe the doctor said there are 5 shots each baby will need to get. Ouch!

The babies are staying awake more and enjoy our "play" time. In fact, they don't like to lay in their crib except for sleeping. We keep them propped up in their Boppy's or in their bouncy seats. OR...we are holding them--of course!

My brother James and nephew Jayden came down from Chicago for a visit on Tuesday. That is Jayden with the babies. Also, my Aunt Nanci and Uncle John came down. Nanci is the decorator of our family, so she finished decorating the nurseries. They look really cute. I'll take pictures and post them this weekend. That is Nan with the babies.

Thanks so much to all of our friends from the Elementary and Intermediate schools that are bringing food to the house. It helps SO much to not have to worry about cooking for a while. For those of you who don't live in Glen Rose, you couldn't imagine how supportive this community has been to us. I'm even having people who aren't from the school call and offer to bring food! (Thanks Debbie D!)

Enjoy the latest pictures! (Close up of Adam; Aaron eating his brother's arm)

Monday, September 17, 2007

John's Ideal Day

Sunday...All three babies in their Steeler's outfits, sitting in their Boppy's on the couch, "watching" the Steeler's game. John said it doesn't get any better than that!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Play time pictures

We have gotten into a routine again! The babies are eating every 2 1/2-3 hours. We are hoping to go longer between feedings during the night within the next two weeks. As the babies continue to grow and gain weight, that will be an easier transition.

During the day we play after eating. The babies swing, play on their mats, or lay in the bouncy seats. Of course I am reading books to them every day! They are all pulling their heads up, and the boys are making their first attempts at rolling over. I can't believe how quickly they change!

We can definitely tell Adam and Aaron apart now. Aaron's head has a "rounder" shape, and Adam has a small red mark on his forehead. Aaron also has bigger eyes than Adam. It's a good feeling to be able to tell the difference!

Here are some pictures from play time on Friday. There is also a picture of Avery laying her head on Adam. They all love to snuggle!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life at Home, Phase II

We are so glad to have our family finally whole! That being said, it has been an adjustment adding Avery to the mix. We've just been trying to work out a new schedule and get into a routine. Things are really going very smoothly! The babies are very patient when waiting for feeds, so that helps tremendously. They have such calm personalities...I'm not sure if it will stay that way, but they seem very laid back! It is such an amazing feeling to not have to call the Progressive Unit each night to check on the babies. All I have to do is look in their crib!

Monday was a day filled with doctor's appointments. We took Avery to the pedi in Granbury, then I had a check-up with Dr. Tabor, and the day finished with the babies seeing the opthamalogist. Avery checked out well, and is weighing 5 lbs. 4 oz! The eye doctor is so pleased with the babies' vision that we don't have to go back for a whole year! Yeah!! Another hurdle jumped.

Wednesday the boys had a check up with the pedi. Adam had been lethargic, and we ended up having to take him to Cook's yesterday afternoon for X-rays. Thank goodness it was nothing serious...just a little virus. He is feeling much better today. Dr. Watts said to really watch Avery and Aaron as they will probably catch it now. Oh, the first of many diseases passed between the three of them! The boys each gained 8 oz last week! Aaron weighs 5 lbs 10 oz and Adam weighs 5 lbs 8 ozs. They are getting so big!!

I don't normally dress the boys alike, but on Monday everyone wore their denim overalls. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Also, here are pictures of Avery's first bath at home. Thank God for small miracles!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Yeah! Avery came home today! We are so excited!! We got home around 6:00 PM...just in time to get everyone fed. Thanks to Julie W. for watching the boys while we fetched Miss Avery. Our family is finally complete!

Today was the Steeler's first regular season game, so here are pictures of the boys in their Steeler's onsies. Avery has one too, but we didn't get her home in time to wear it!

Enjoy the updated pictures of the Triplets! Thanks for all your prayers.

(Aaron--Adam--Avery; Aaron in Onesie; Adam in Onesie; Miss Avery)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Growing, growing, growing...

Yesterday was a busy day! The boys had to return to Cook's to be circumcised. They were a little fussy last night, but seem to be fine today! Then, on the way back from Fort Worth, we stopped in Granbury for their pediatrician appointment. Aaron gained 11 ozs last week! He now weighs 5 lbs. 2 ozs. Adam gained 9 ozs himself! He now weighs 5 lbs. Yeah! Dr. Watts is so pleased with their progress. In fact, I am increasing the amount of milk in their bottles today. Our little men are growing big and strong!

Miss Avery is doing great! She had an ultrasound yesterday on her belly, and she only had one small reflux episode. The doctor decided to put her on reflux meds because she shows many symptoms of reflux. Nothing severe..thank goodness! Today she is attempting to take bottles at all her feeds. Let's hope she does well with that! I got to see her briefly when we were at the hospital yesterday, and John will be with her all afternoon today.

The boys are also holding their temperatures very well at home. We are keeping hats on them, but now they are wearing regular short-sleeved onesies. Here are some pictures I took of them on Tuesday. (Aaron is in all blue)

All of the babies have an appointment with the opthalmologist in Fort Worth on Monday. They all passed their initial eye screening, so this is the 3-week follow up. Preemies are at-risk for blindness, so lets pray everything is great with their eyes.

Can you believe the Triplets will be 7 weeks old on Monday??

Sunday, September 2, 2007

More pictures!

Things are still going well at home! I have included pictures of the boys' first bath at home, as well as pictures from their swing and bouncy seat. They are becoming more and more alert and are staying awake for longer periods of time. John and I had so much fun playing with them this evening! It is amazing to see how quickly they change. I love to watch them look around, and the way they focus on your face when you are talking to them. It is amazing.

Chelsea stayed with the boys Friday so that I could see Avery. It felt so good to hold her, but it was SO incredibly hard to leave. My parents came down for the weekend, so they kept the boys today while we went to the hospital. John and I enjoyed getting to spend the afternoon together with Avery. She is doing better with her feeds....we are hopeful that she will get to come home this week! Keep her in your prayers!

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog and for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers!!

The pictures are Aaron (2), Adam (2), and then Miss Avery.