Monday, September 17, 2007

John's Ideal Day

Sunday...All three babies in their Steeler's outfits, sitting in their Boppy's on the couch, "watching" the Steeler's game. John said it doesn't get any better than that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Guys,
They are each acquiring their own look---absolutely so---CUTE--
I know you are so busy--I can only imagine. It was good to talk with you Sun. I guess everything is in fast speed, get 'er done, before the next thing needs to be done. They seem so content and happy--I know life is GOOD for everyone! We need to get up to see you and bring the outfits we got for them because they are for 8-12lbs. If we wait too long to get there, they'll outgrow them at the rate they are growing-- which is super that they are putting on weight.
We'll see you on some Sunday's that's good for you guys in the near future.

Sending our love,

Denise & Gary