Sunday, July 8, 2007

28 Weeks and Counting..

July 7th-8th: I felt really good this weekend! I am relaxing better, and able to sleep at night for a few hours at a time. I'm always needing to go to the bathroom since I have 6 feet pressing on my bladder!

I do get out of the room some. John takes me on a 30 minute wheelchair ride. That's always quite a trip! We cruise the lobby, check out the water feature, and then he puts me in the sun...or just outside if it's cloudy. It was really humid yesterday, but I love the heat from the sun. It really refreshes me.

Dr. Tabor did a quick sonogram yesterday just to look at the babies. They look so big to me! He said the amount of amniotic fluid around each baby still looks good. He will do a more detailed sono with measurements later this week. I can't wait to see how much weight they have gained!

It's funny when all 3 babies get moving at the same time. I can feel kicking, rolling, and balling up all at one time! Sometimes it takes my breath away! Sonja took a picture of me, and one with John and I that she will be posting. Gee belly is BIG!

Also, I want to apologize that you may not have received a thank you card yet. Since I've been on bedrest for the last 6 weeks, I am only allowed to sit up long enough to eat. Christin Jones wrote some cards for me while I dictated, but we didn't get them all completed. Please know that I haven't forgotten you or your generosity!

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

WOW, your belly has gotten bigger...just since I saw you last. I will be there to hang out this week. Not sure what day yet...depends on when I can find somewhere for the boys to go for a few hours. See you soon and I really enjoy getting the updates through the blog. I am so beyond happy that you are doing so well.
Hugs, Bridgett

Anonymous said...

You look so good!! We are so proud of how well you and the little ones are doing!! Shanley really enjoyed visiting with you (as did I), she asks about you all the time. When we where leaving she was talking about how pretty you are!! I love the blog and enjoy your postings. Let me know if you need anything!!!
Love ya,

Jan Cook said...

Look at that cute belly! You look fantastic! (And still smiling!) I swear I looked that big with one baby. We may go shopping this weekend for senior picture outfits and maybe we can drop by. Hang in there. Love, Jan